Group Details - dlang (i686)

21 packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Bugs Build Date Last Updated Delete
i686 i686/extra dcd 1:0.13.2-1.0   2021-04-10 23:07:05 2021-04-18 02:28:32 to be deleted
i686 i686/extra-staging dcd 1:0.15.2-2.0   2024-07-10 17:10:06 2024-07-10 17:10:06  
i686 i686/extra dfmt 0.13.4-1.0   2021-04-10 23:10:10 2021-04-18 02:28:32 to be deleted
i686 i686/extra-staging dfmt 0.15.1-2.0   2024-07-10 17:15:00 2024-07-10 17:15:00  
i686 i686/extra dmd 1:2.109.0-1.0   2024-06-19 00:26:21 2024-06-26 05:05:03  
i686 i686/extra-staging dmd 1:2.109.1-1.0   2024-07-10 13:53:56 2024-07-10 13:53:56  
i686 i686/extra dmd-docs 1:2.109.0-1.0   2024-06-19 00:26:21 2024-06-26 05:05:03  
i686 i686/extra-staging dmd-docs 1:2.109.1-1.0   2024-07-10 13:53:56 2024-07-10 13:53:56  
i686 i686/extra dscanner 0.15.2-1.0   2024-04-24 05:18:26 2024-05-01 09:22:41  
i686 i686/extra-staging dscanner 0.15.2-2.0   2024-07-10 17:16:06 2024-07-10 17:16:06  
i686 i686/extra dtools 2.109.0-1.0   2024-06-19 00:33:49 2024-06-26 05:05:03  
i686 i686/extra-staging dtools 2.109.1-1.0   2024-07-10 13:55:23 2024-07-10 13:55:23  
i686 i686/extra dub 1.10.0-1.0   2018-07-04 02:07:31 2018-07-06 16:39:04 to be deleted
i686 i686/extra ldc 2:1.26.0-1.0   2021-05-04 07:06:40 2021-05-28 09:29:16 to be deleted
i686 i686/extra-testing ldc 3:1.38.0-1.0   2024-05-23 05:19:10 2024-05-23 07:00:48  
i686 i686/extra-staging ldc 3:1.39.0-1.0   2024-07-10 17:06:06 2024-07-10 17:06:06  
i686 i686/extra liblphobos 2:1.26.0-1.0   2021-05-04 07:06:40 2021-05-28 09:29:16 to be deleted
i686 i686/extra-testing liblphobos 3:1.38.0-1.0   2024-05-23 05:19:10 2024-05-23 07:00:48  
i686 i686/extra-staging liblphobos 3:1.39.0-1.0   2024-07-10 17:06:06 2024-07-10 17:06:06  
i686 i686/extra libphobos 1:2.109.0-1.0   2024-06-19 00:26:21 2024-06-26 05:05:03  
i686 i686/extra-staging libphobos 1:2.109.1-1.0   2024-07-10 13:53:56 2024-07-10 13:53:56